Friday, August 29, 2008

What's on in Sept ?

Yes, I know, it has been a long time since I last posted anything on the blog, but now we are all surfacing from the summer diversions I thought I would let you know what is coming up at Seal.

On Sat 13th Sept the village will be en fete. From 12 - 4pm the recreation ground will be full of stalls, games, a dog show, a falconry display - and many more. The fete has grown out of the "Know your neighbours"evenings the church hosted earlier in the year, to bring people together in the village. Out of the various suggestions people came up with, the fete came top of the list. Seal hasn't had a fete for quite a few years, so this has had to be organised very much from scratch by a team of volunteers. Whatever happens on the day, the process of setting up the fete has drawn people together and helped them get to know one another.
After the fete there will be another "know your neighbours" meeting (probably in November) and no doubt other suggestions for activities in the village will be shared. We are already tentatively planning some Carol Singing round the village at Christmas. Watch this space!

Not many weeks after the fete we will be celebrating Harvest Festival at Seal on Oct 5th. As well as the All Age Communion service in the morning, there will be a "Bring and Share" Harvest Tea from 4-6pm in the church hall. Tea and Coffee will be provided - bring some sandwiches/nibbles/cake to share with others in the spirit of harvest, when we give thanks for the good things we've been given not only in music and prayer, but also in action as we seek to share the riches we have with one another and with those in need around the world.
As last year, our Harvest offering will go to the Diocesan Poverty and Hope appeal, which supports charities overseas and at home.

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